Edible Review: Mindy’s Cool Keylime Kiwi Gummies
Let’s be honest… Sometimes you need to take your meds to go! Mindy’s Cool Keylime Kiwi Gummies are one of my preferred on-the-go products. ⠀
Grower: Cresco
Processor: Mindy’s Edibles by Cresco Labs

Mindy’s Cool Keylime Kiwi Gummies Review
Mindy’s Cool Keylime 🥝 gummies from @crescolabs are 5mg each and quite tasty. I’m on my 3rd pack of these, and they consistently deliver great relief. I love to take one right before I hang with friends or before heading to events because they kill my social anxiety and allow me to just be myself. I wouldn’t call this a microdose because 5mg is half of my regular dose, and the effects are more potent than that of my 2.5mg microdose tarts. How do you consume on the go? ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #cannabiscommunity #illinoiscannabiscommunity #chicagocannabis #chicagocannabiscommunity #ilmmj #mmj #topshelflife #cannabisphotography #weedphotography #stoner #maryjane #hightimes #weshouldsmoke #cannabisculture #dispensarylife #highsociety #cannabispackaging #cannabisbranding #microdose #edibles #cannabisedibles #pts #verano #crescolabs #mindys #fueledbythc #infusedcandy #cannabisinfused #gummies #candyediblesCheck out more reviews by @upinsmokesession on Instagram! (www.instagram.com/upinsmokesession)
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