Edible Review: Peach Gummies by incredibles
These 🍑 peach gummies by incredibles and from @gtigrows are some of my faves!
Processor: incredibles
Dispensary: Green Thumb Industries (GTI)
Peach Incredibles Review
They nailed the peach flavor, and the effects made my sushi date with friends a lunch to remember. ⠀
☝🏾️If your edibles don’t say Indica or sativa, then they’re a hybrid. ⠀
Some people argue that all edibles hit the same, I too used to think this, but lately, I’ve been feeling the difference. Sativa edibles have been giving me more cerebral effects and make it quite hard to fall asleep if taken too late in the day. Indica edibles give me significant body relaxation that makes me sleep through the night and wake up super refreshed. ⠀
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