Cannabis InfusedEdiblesMarijuanaPuerto RicoReviews

Edible Review: Pique Cannabis Infused Hot Sauce by Tropizen

Hey guys! So I wanted to talk a little bit about this Pique Puertorican cannabis infused Hot Sauce made By @tropizenmed

Grower: Tropizen

Processor: Tropizen

Cannabis Infused Pique Hot Sauce Review

pique cannabis infused hot sauce by tropizen edible review by trippietropical 2This edible is on another level guys! This traditional Pique hot sauce doesn’t have a trace of cannabis flavor but is actually potent. 120mg per bottle, Everything that was medicated with this first bottle, I used about 30-40mg and the sensation was a relaxing body high but euphoric in my head. If you’re not into candy or sweet edibles this is a most try!

I’m obsessed with this hot sauce guys! @tropizenmed knows exactly what they’re doing on edibles with this. The taste and the effects are flavorful and powerful. 120 mg per bottle will last you a while. You can put this hot sauce on anything: meats, tacos, nachos, make spicy ramen, salads. Is up to your imagination! Yesterday, I dosed myself with about 20-25 mg at about noon, and I got knocked out for 4 hours! I never get to take naps during the day because of my insomnia!

cannabis infused pique hot sauce by tropizen edible review by trippietropicalDecided to upload the new packeting and try the new formula as the old one was more as a salsa than this pique consistency. So if you like Puertorican Pique, you need to try this!

Which is your favorite edible?

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