Edible Review: Sour Strawberry Peach 2:1 Gummies by Encore Company
One of my fave things about budtending is learning! Learning from other budtenders and patients always leads me to new products, and today, I’m excited to share one of my recent finds. ⠀
@veranobrands Encore Company Sour Strawberry Peach 2:1 gummies are 20mg CBD and 10mg THC, and they live up to the hype if you know what to expect.
Grower: verano Brands
Processor: Encore Company (verano Brands)
Dispensary: The Herbal Care Center
Sour Strawberry Peach 2:1 Gummies Review
On my first try, I was disappointed because I expected the effects to be similar to all my other 10mg THC gummies, but that was a mistake on my part. After talking to devout 2:1 lovers, I learned that the higher the CBD to THC ratio, the less psychoactive the high. ⠀
CBD tempers the effects of THC, which reduces the psychoactive effects, leaving you relaxed but not high. Now I know to reach for these when I need anxiety relief and mental clarity. ⠀
What’s your ideal ratio? ⠀
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