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Hash Review: Whitethorn Paradise Live Rosin by The Bryantist x Huckleberry Hill Farms


Lineage/Genetics: Possibly Whitethorn Rose x Paradise Punch

Original Breeder: Huckleberry Hill Farms

Grower: Unknown

Processor: The Bryantist

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Whitethorn Paradise Live Rosin Review

whitethorn paradise live rosin by the bryantist hash review by extract_reviewer 2

When I opened the jar I was met with an aroma that I wasn’t expecting. I went into this thinking the Whitethorn Rose would completely dominate but instead I was met with a pleasant surprise. I got notes of Hi Chew berry candy with a floral funk. It had sweet rose water notes with hints of carbonation. Then a sleight floral fruit punch towards the end.

The flavor was heavy on the floral funk but with a bitter berry ending flavor. There was a soft fruit punch underneath the floral and berry combo which helped elevate the aftertaste experience. Every time I exhaled (after my dab) I kept tasting a funky floral fruit punch flavor.

The effects of this jar were pretty strong and heavy. I was hit hard by the euphoria and my body began to melt into my couch. It was very difficult to move away from my seat. I found the intoxicating effects to be fun but the heavy body high kept me inside every time. I thought this jar was great for the evenings or for a fun night inside.

whitethorn paradise live rosin by the bryantist hash review by extract_reviewer

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Budist @budist_official (Solventless & Solvent critic)
Hash Flight (NorCal)
Reviews also available on @thehighestcritic

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Budist @budist_official (Solventless & Solvent critic) Hash Flight (NorCal) Reviews also available on @thehighestcritic

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