Recap: Astor Club Popup at Gold Bar New York
@astorclubnyc @goldbarnewyork – Recap —
Brands: Astor Club NYC x Gold Bar New York
Astor Club Pop Up @ Gold Bar Recap
I’ve heard about @astorclubnyc throwing a smoke sesh at the exclusive/upscale Gold Bar. This is my chance to recap this well know high end bar. @jonnylennonnyc ‘s@goldbarnewyork is like visiting the luxury version of the NY catacombs, skulls decorated in gold with fine art 🖼️ everywhere. A shot of D’usse and good vibes with music played by @statikselekt and a nice joint to smoke and enjoy the night at the Gold bar hosted by @theastorclubnyc . Once again met the OG legendary @stylesp. The party ended 2 hours later & finished at the club. Overall is always an experience when partying with #theastorclub . Shoutout to Ben & Matt for always treating me with love and respect 🫡..
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Check out more reviews by @lms1__186 on Instagram and Social Club! ( Also for the backup.
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