FlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaOregonReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Ancient OG from Green Therapy

Ancient OG is a powerful indica from @GreenTherapy_i5_Eugene and cultivated by #HillTopPharma.

Lineage/Genetics: Snow Lotus x Iranian landrace

Original Breeder: Bodhi Seeds

Grower: hillTop Pharmaceuticals

Dispensary: Green Therapy

Ancient OG Strain Review

Emanating an intense scent of earthy pine and sweet lemon, these bright green buds completely drown in huge lakes of amber trichomes. Not even a full turn of my grinder and they instantly burst into a fine kief-like powder. The smoke itself is silky smooth and fully retains it’s earthy-pine scent. In smaller doses, it’s the perfect strain to just thrown on some music and unwind after a long day. However, in larger quantities be prepared for a powerful sedative effect that will leave you couchlocked for the night! This highly sought-after strain is descended from the exotic hybrid Snow Lotus and an unknown Iranian landrace.

Thanks again Green Therapy!

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