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Strain Review: Apple MAC by Surfr Select

I’m not an enormous MAC fan. I smoke my share, there’s even a couple farms whose MAC and MAC 1 even get me excited, but it’s pretty far from my favorite strain. The Apple MAC from @surfrselect is pretty damn nice, though.

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown x MAC

Original Breeder: Surfr Seeds

Grower: Surfr Select

Dispensary: TreeHouse Collective

Apple Mac Strain Review

apple MAC by surfr select strain review by pdxstonemanIt’s not MAC if it has loose nugs. It’s just not. These puppies were rock solid and dense like a dying sun. They had the customary trichome coverage, and even that white hue I’ve come to associate with the strain.

My big gripe with MAC is the flavor. It’s just not unique enough to thoroughly impress me. Hash and cookie dough aren’t super unique terps these days. It’s like having super lemony weed. Like, yeah, you and everyone else, man. This stuff had some unique notes when you get into it, though. Sort of an apple juice/cider vinegar note on the exhale that really struck me. I don’t always get strong flavor in the smoke, but this came through nicely.

This is Apple MAC, not MAC proper. It’s got more of a relaxing quality to the high than the energy and function you get from the flagship model. It’ll still get you through your day just fine, but it’s better for a more relaxed, less responsibility-filled day.

If you are a MAC lover, this is gonna float your boat real good. I like it as much as I did with my opinions on the subject, someone with a positive bias is gonna be really happy with this. All the @surfrselect drops are fire, and you can expect an Ex Wife review in the coming days. I took some time off to grieve (hug your pets, people), but Backstreet’s back and better than ever. I got some real good shit in the pipeline.

Thanks to my buds at @thc.pdx. I did NOT wait patiently for this drop, but they certainly responded patiently. They’re always deserving of your business. Too many people there are my boys for me to mention all by name, but you know who you are.

Kinda feels fitting to go with my Christmas smoke for a Boxing Day review. The Apple MAC from @surfr/@surfrselect isn’t my favorite from them, but it is my third favorite.

I find apple strains often lack noteworthy apple terps. Basically this stuff and the Apple Fritter from @the_realmccoyfarms are pretty much the only ones that I’ve gotten those notes from, and even then it’s in different ways. While the Real McCoy Fritter gave me more of the red apple vibe, Apple MAC leans more toward green apple. More sour and tart.

This batch was a little old, so the terps were a bit muted compared to the fresh batch I got the first time. Test date was in late October. Sounds like @oregrownindustries bought a shit ton and it didn’t move like expected. Grower didn’t even know anyone still had it in stock.

The thing I found similar between this and the Fritter was that kinda apple skin flavor that comes through on the exhale. The super mild burn from the malic acid you get while eating an apple. I guess that’s not really a flavor if I want to be pedantic, but you know what I mean. It’s not something I’ve gotten from other strains, or I haven’t noticed it if I have.

The high honestly leaned harder on the Colombian in my eyes than any other MAC/MAC1/MAC hybrid I’ve had. That heavily baked, kinda Hazy vibe where you’re gonna laugh your ass off at some dumb shit. Low eyes, foggy head. It’s modern weed that feels old school.

Overall, probably my favorite iteration of MAC. I’m overall not a massive MAC fan, but this didn’t have the extreme, almost detrimentally dense nug structure or semi harsh smoke all the MAC I’ve tried has had. I’d recommend it, but also recommend you check the test date and maybe wait for a fresh batch if it’s as old as 5his. Normies are gonna really like it, so maybe leave the two month old batches for them. Anywhere that @surfr drops is gonna have something on their menu you’re gonna like even more than an old batch of this stuff. Get the fresh stuff. You’re worth it.

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