CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: B Easy Bud OG by B-Eazy Buds

@b_eazybuds6.0 – B Easy Bud OG

Lineage/Genetics: Kosher Kush Cut

Bred by: DNA Genetics @dna_genetics

Grown by: One of @b_eazybuds6.0 Homies

Selected by: One of @b_eazybuds6.0 homies

Media use: living soil

B Easy Bud OG Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

b easy bud og by b-eazy buds strain review by feartheterps

Bag Appeal: The bag appeal was amazing and the trim job was good . Frosty dank nugs . Chunky nugs

Aroma: Pinesol , lemon , propane . Strong on the pungent side but when breaking her down it straight pinesol and lemon !

Dry Pull: Pinesol

Flavor / Ash / Smoke Report: The flavor on B Easy Bud OG is pinesol on the inhale and slightly lemon on exhale 😮‍💨 . Joint had a ring of resin . Terps with power . The ash is grey with white ash mix . Not harsh on the inhale . The flavors that classic og flavors . Which made it a amazing smoke experience though out the session. This was definitely some fire OG .

Effects: While hitting the B Easy Bud OG I’m getting a high head . Got my forehead swelling like hit a dab rig . The entourage effects is intense . Great effects though out the session. I was high smoking the joint thought out session. Definitely something to smoke during the night . I feel asleep at 9 pm and woke up at 5 am the next morning . Spliff hit me after 3-5 pull on the joint. Definitely a OG I would put in my head stash .

Glad there more OG and Zkittlez coming to community for more stoners can try them classic old school strains . Shout out @b_eazybuds6.0 for bringing some fire OG to my lungs . If you like OG . This one is a must try for OG heads

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