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Strain Review: Banana Taffy by Team Elite Genetics


Lineage/Genetics: Watermelon Zkittles X Banana

Breeder/Grower: Team Elite Genetics @teamelitegenetics

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Banana Taffy Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Beyond grateful to review this growers sample gift of banana taffy, It’s a blessing to review these exotic terps!

Slide 8= slideshow of 3 MACROS

Aroma: 96.5/100
Overwhelming BANANA CANDY & CREAMY TAFFY terps mix together, behind that is a few mixtures, one being the sweet floral skittley melon & lemon terps. & the other being the tangie/tropical (orange/ pineapple), herbal ‘half skunk half musk’ cheese layer. Aftergrind reveals the florals more & that the banana taffy has a peachy apricot melon mango mix to it. Light Gas & diesel.

Appeal: 96.5/100
Beautiful exotic cola, with matching nuggets. Leafy organic long stretching stacking structure. Beautifully cured & nugged. Saturated in the thickest coverage of trichomes, huge wet heads, giving the reflecting greasy look, & also the freshly salted look. Extremely sticky, but also properly dried & crisp. Thick forests of long luscious orange pistils project from the crevices. Made up of light greens to mid green, some yellow tinting, couple burnt tips, occasional purple highlights at the tips. Aftergrind was the cleanest!

Dry pull: 95/100
Creamy Banana, sweet skittley florals, herbal musk. Citrus trop & cheese, gassy danks. (Lemon Dough?)

Smoke/taste 94/100 & 96/100
Pure white ash, with some grey. Fat motor oil terp ring, with the clear wet resin layer. It did burn a little fast, but was super pleasant, tasting of creamy sweet banana (Carmel?) taffy, herbal musky cheesy tangie trop, & gassy 🍋 🌲 diesel.

Effect 96/100 potency 95/100
Effects hit immediately, with a nice warm relaxing body buzz, has some chest pressure. It’s Also supplying a great headchange, Stoney, cloudy, relaxing, but with a slight focus & free flowing thoughts. Calming/ happy. Chronic buzz last 3 hours & Ends sleepy/hungry.

Overall: 96/100
Because of the exotic terp factor, the extremely high scores, and this being a jar gifted to me personally from a straight cannabis cup legend, this jar of banana taffy is my favorite cannabis I’ve had to date. I’m honored & humbled to review this true exotic.

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Banana Taffy Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review Pt 2

Banana Taffy

Blessed to have this rare gem, they said it was lil older, but it’s def cured to perfection! Honored to have this special strain!

Aroma 96/100
Sweet candy Banana, with hints of vanilla/Carmel cream. Herbal hops, musky cookie, and light traces of other terps are creeping out from the inners.. >> when breaking the nug open, GNARLY juicy fruity MELON terps, sweet fruity SKITTLEY floral candy gas, light crisp pungency, skunk, & sharp gassy burnt lemon cleaner come out SCREAMING. Loud and juicy!

Appeal 95/100
Cured to long lasting perfection, cluster-chome coverage, that are long wavy with big greasy heads. Long light orange pistils escape calyx’s in groupings. Greens, light greens, & yellows, tinted orange from pistils, and beautiful orange burnt tips and some yellow/green/black leaf tips. Semi Open structure, semi calyxed out, semi nugged, with nice visible inner trichomes and leafy shapely outside depths. No pgr density. Long stretching arrow head/ pickle-spear structure. Outside crispness leans a bit to the dry side from shelf time, but the impressive resinous oils have sealed the moisture in the inners very well, crisp snaps, slightly kiefy, but also sticky moist & sappy at the same time. Signaling an amazing cure.. Most strains nowadays don’t last this long, especially this well!! Cured 2 perfection & ZERO TURKEY BAGS EVER

Burn 94/100 taste 96/100
Super White ash! Rare grey/pepper, nice terp ring that fluctuates from mild clear resin ring to a thick motor oil drip. Taste were heavy on the juicy melon, skittles candy gas and fruity/ floral terps. The banana cream, herbals, musk & lemon are behind the latter. Burn video 5

Effect 94/100 potency 94/100
Hard hitting potency rush, 3 hour effects. Body & Mind are heavily baked, very euphoric& Stoney. Mild uplift w/ the bake. Ends sleepy and hungry. Calming, anti-stress, pain relief, semi- couch-lockable, clean enough to be productive but heavy enough for meds. Powerful.

Overall: 95/100
Gnarly appeal and terps, LONG LASTING CURE, clean burn, & a heavy mf hitter too!

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Banana Taffy Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review Pt 3 (Dec 2022)

Banana Taffy
Update Review & Photography

Banana x Watermelon Zkittles
Bred by @3rd_gen_familyfarm
Hunted & Grown: @teamelitegenetics

I’ve reviewed a few batches so I’ll keep it short and sweet and give you the down low on the new batch. Here’s my review of the new banana taffy!

Aroma: 94/100
Banana Carmelized cream, sweet and salty, with slight cinnamon and a hint of clove, giving a saltwater taffy flavor with herbal & bourbon backing. Behind that is a hidden trop, with a gassy skunky cheese hint. Breaking the nugs reveals the melon fruit, zkittles florals, more of the trop with a tiny bit of garlic funk similar to the fuzzy melon deep down in there. The taffy holds a pinch of pungency under it all.

Appeal: 95/100
Beautiful light green & yellow Tall stretching spears and arrowheads of calyxed out leafy open structure build, mass trichome clusters made of long wavy skinny stalks with medium-large heads totally covered the nugs. Long burnt orange and light yellow pistils escape the crevices in thick fuzzy patches. A keify genetic, with a proper dry giving the ‘frozen’ crisp cure but this batch has extra moist & sticky inners with a gnarly trichome stretch In video 8.

Burn A/A Taste 94/100
This batch has nice fluffy burn, with white ash solid through with occasional grey, and rare pepper flakes. Very clean and pleasant, with a fat terp ring that grows into a motor oil drip. The taste and dry pull lean more to the melon fruit, and zkittles florals with the tropical and garlic backing(similar to fuzzyM). The ripe banana and carmelized saltwater taffy cream take the backing here but led in the aroma.

Effect 93/100 Potency 91/100
A toasty head buzz with low red eyes, relaxed calmed and stoney. It’s not overpowering as it has a nice uplift sits in the chest with a positive uplift in the mind. Stress relieving and euphoric. 2.75hour buzz that leads to a good nights rest.

Overall: 94.25/100
A solid tier 1 strain. Bag appeal is on point, aroma is complex and loud. The burn is very clean and tasty, love the melon/banana combo. Packs a Clean indica buzz.

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