Strain Review: BC Organic Gelato Cake by Simply Bare
🍦 Simply Bare – BC Organic Gelato Cake
Lineage/Genetics: Wedding Cake x Gelato #33
Original Breeder: Seed Junky Genetics
Grower: Simply Bare
Terpene Profile: Unknown
BC Organic Gelato Cake Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Simply Bare is amazing at taking unique strains and letting them express themselves in a way that showcases exactly how diverse and varied weed can be. Normally I love them for this, as someone who smokes all day, since they do not meddle with their sativa genetics to increase yield and profitability. But today, we’re smoking Gelato Cake, crossing Gelato #33 and Wedding Cake it’s a heavy indica that lives up to all the promise of its name and strong backcrossed Gelato genetics.
Opening the jar a strong creamy and earthy smell permeates everything. On top you get old-growth forest, complete with rain rich soil and decades of untouched brush. Underneath there is a sweet myrcene type creaminess, expressing itself the same way it does in mangoes and papayas. It conjures springtime with the slight sweetness that’s on the air just after rain. The trim was a letdown, with many looser calyxes left on, and even some sugar leaves. I can see why they were left behind, being so coated in crystals, but at this price, I expect better.
However, the smoke is everything I could ask for. The cure is perfect, letting me take big bong rips without any coughing, and barely a tickle. It produces thick plumes of smoke that expand the chest and make you feel like a dragon. It punches way above its current 27% THC count, with a very classic kush-type high. Limonene leads the terp totals, to give a great burst of euphoria and giggles right up front. While the second caryophyllene puts a pressure behind the eyes, but in a nonsedating way. Eyes are immediately lidded, and shoulders slump, but it puts you in the couch rather than the bed. It is the perfect smoke for folk like me, with the tolerance of a budtender, as a wind down after work. It lets me enjoy some time on the couch, getting zonked, without feeling sleepy right away. For those who have not ruined their tolerance, it would just be a hardcore slapper.
Overall, Gelato Cake is a strain with tried and true genetics, sure to please the many fans both Gelato #33 and Wedding Cake already have. It is instantly a go to, and with this LP and this lineage, how couldn’t it be? 🌳🥛🌳🥊🥊
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Hey my name is Sean out of Body and Spirit Cannabis, a fully independent licensed bud store at Yonge and Dundas in Toronto. Super sensitive to strain differences, I like to keep a bunch on hand for exactly what I want or need to feel. The alternative is my day is ruined or I don't get to smoke! Be sure to check me out @sean.bodyandspirit for a full list of reviews and stop by the store to say hi and check out the new drops we're smoking!