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Strain Review: Birkinz by Winners Circle Genetics

Flower Review : @birkinstrain


Breeder: Winners Circle Genetics @winnerscirclegenetics

Brand: Birkinz @birkinstrain

Grower: Winners Circle Genetics @winnerscirclegenetics

Lineage: Lemon Cherry Gelato

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Birkinz Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

birkinz by winners circle genetics strain review by feartheterps

Thc % : not listed

Plug: Don’t ask 🤷🏽‍♂️💤

Candy , Sour Lemon, Fruit

Flower Size:
Medium-sized, boulder-shaped nugs. Coated with crystals, rich dark hue. Nice humidity, trim/manicure. Soft Nugs

Pungent over all: 10/10 soon as open up bag it smack you

Dry Pull: Sour Lemon Candy
Combustion: Sour lemon

Effect: 9/10 Cannabis users may argue that all cannabis strains are the same, an expert in the industry will tell you that they’re not A true cannabis enthusiast can quickly tell the difference between exotic strains and ordinary strains. Luxury strains are more than potency: the flavor and smell are key factors. @winnerscirclegenetics is a world-class, premium cannabis company with outstanding proprietary genetics. Founders Chris Milano Allion, Hassim Robinson and Abou Thiam know the value and importance of exotic strains.

Ash Overall :9/10

Flavor Overall: 10/10 the flavors on @birkinstrain is different from other lemon cherry gelato

High Overall: 9/10
2-4 hours Definitely hit you quick after couple pulls on her taste a amazing it kinda different from all other lemon Cherry Gelato That I had smoke

Overall: 9/10 They are the 2020 @hall_of_flowers Award recipients for their @originalpbj and partnership with @quavohuncho on the @birkinstrain .

The Birkinz strain is one-of-a-kind with exceptional taste, smell and smoke that made it sell out instantly in all dispensaries statewide. To them, it’s all about bringing the best and incredible luxury strains to spice up the excitement of new cannabis discoveries.

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