CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Brain Candy by Zaba Cannabis Co.



(? x Sunset Sherbet) X (Gelato x Sunset Sherbet) X (Animal Cookies x SinMint Cookies)

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Zaba Cannabis Co.

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Brain Candy Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

SMELL: 8.5/10

FLAVOUR: 8.8/10



STRENGTH: 9.3/10


brain candy by zaba cannabis co strain review by cannoisseurselections 2.webp

With Zaba Cannabis Co. being one of my favourite brands of 2023, dropping nothing but consistent quality, I was thoroughly excited in seeing how their Brain Candy fared. With it boasting an interesting lineage, as well as being grown in living soil.

Upon opening I was greeted by a complex floral and spicy gas, displaying pungent notes of Gelato alongside faintly sweet candy and strong floral, menthol and spicy overtones, exhibiting its unique lineage well. The buds were of a medium to hard density, having a hybrid structure. They were a shade of medium to dark green with hues of purple layered on top, alongside attractive violet guts and light rustic pistils, being absolutely doused in trichomes.

Upon inhaling my palate was instantly overcome by an extremely smooth, uniquely floral, minty and earthy gas, with sweet, creamy undertones. A refreshing infusion of minty and floral notes from the Kush Mints and Sunset Sherbet lineage collide to develop unusual fragrant notes resembling perfume, accompanied by a very in depth creamy gas with undertones of vanilla and greasy caramelised onions.

This unique infusion was complemented by faint but pleasant notes of sweet candy with a spicy backend. The taste of this creamy floral sweet gas was retained on my tastebuds upon exhaling. The joint produced immaculately soft fluffy ash being a shade of light grey, alongside an instantaneous leaking and oozing resinous oil ring. It smoked both incredibly smooth and tasted clean.

To conclude, although Brain Candy has an acquired fragrant taste which may not be to everyone’s preference, I found that its unique lineage complemented each other exceptionally well, delivering a refreshingly different candy profile. It smoked flawlessly, ticking most boxes, resulting with it being one of the best flowers I have had the pleasure of smoking alongside their unanimous favourite; Blue Ube.

brain candy by zaba cannabis co strain review by cannoisseurselections

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