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Strain Review: Chemcake by White Rose Pharms

Chemcake / πŸΆπŸŽ‚

Lineage/Genetics: (Stardawg x Wedding Cake)

Original Breeder/Grower: White Rose Pharms

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Chemcake Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

chemcake by white rose pharms strain review by thebudstudioGood afternoon to all you beautiful people out there! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and that your week is going well so far. Today we have a very nice strain that I’d never tried before – ‘Chemcake’. This lovely Sativa-dominant flower was generously gifted to me by the wonderful @whiterosepharms to photograph for them not too long ago πŸ“Έ

Now I, like a lot of you I’m sure, have enjoyed my fair share of Stardawg and Wedding Cake over the years. However I’ve never had the pleasure of trying a cross of the two, so it’s safe to say I was very excited to try this stuff out! On the opening of the bag I was greeted with those familiar ‘Dawg’ notes – predominantly pine and gas. This was layered nicely with subtle sweet notes of baked goods, as to be expected from the Wedding Cake genetics of course 🍰

This delightful combination of cake and gas terps followed on nicely from the nose to the palate – as I sparked up the joint I felt like I was taking a bite from a sweet slice of fuel-soaked cake. This was followed by a touch of Earth and spiciness that gave the flavour a bit of edge. After a few tokes I started to feel the cerebral effects kick in, starting with a bit of a pressure behind my eyes and around my forehead.

This developed into a smooth and uplifting buzz with a decent spot of energy about it, but also providing a good amount of body relaxation. All in all, I found this to be a great and tasty daytime strain to enjoy when you’ve still got things to get done. I think it’s safe to say that @whiterosepharms did a brilliant job with this strain – I had a great first impression from it and look forward to trying some of their other flowers in the future! πŸ‘πŸ»


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