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Strain Review: Cherry Cookie v2 by Trichome Jungle Seeds

CHERRY COOKIE v2 – Cherry Spice x Cherry Cookie -Bred by @trichome_jungle_seeds and cultivated in Europe by @farmerintheh0le

Lineage/Genetics: Cherry Spice x Cherry Cookie

Original Breeder: Trichome Jungle Seeds

Grower: Farmer in the Hole

Dispensary: The Cali Club Tenerife

Cherry Cookie v2 Strain Review

The buds are small, dense and are completely covered in trichomes. The colours are light to dark greens with very slight touches of deep purples, the thick coverage of long resiny trichomes give the bud a very frosted wintertime look.

The aroma at first is very sweet and tarty, much like cookies, with just some slight hints of cherries and pine. But when the bud is ground the sweet and sharp Cherry flavours really come through. Like sweet candy cherry drops.

The slightly sour, mouthwatering, cherry flavours came through instantly on the inhale and on the exhale the sharpness of the cherry terps died down and full flavour profile with slight cookies like kushy aftertastes and spicy, kushy aftertones tones. The long lasting cherry terpene explosion, instantly activated my saliva glands and literally left me drooling.

The effects were more on the Indica side, relaxing my full body and mind. However the cerebral mind refreshing effects of this strain made it perfect to wind down after a stressful day.

Thanks again to @thecaliclubtenerife for this terp and trichome monster.
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