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Strain Review: Cherry Jane by Lumpy’s Flowers

Cherry Jane by @lumpstatus

Lineage/Genetics: Pink lemonade x cherry pie

Breeder/Grower: Lumpy’s Flowers

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Cherry Jane Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Saved what I thought was gonna be the best for last with the lumpys strains. As soon as I looked up the genetics I knew I had to get a couple of these. And when I saw what the buds looked like…. Had to. One thing about lumpys is they always come with crazy bag appeal. My only worry was if the taste and smell could keep up with the crazy bag appeal. Let’s crack her open and find out!

Smell:8.7/10 just what I was hoping for! Definitely a cherry flavor but a lot different then all the other cherry flavors out. It was a spicy earthy type of cherry smell. Unlike the candy cherry smell everyone else has. More like actual cherries. Also had a very strong fritter smell to it. Smells like a field of cherry trees after a fresh rain. I surprisingly really liked this. It reminded me a lot of fresh baked cherry fritter, just with a lot more flavor.

Look:9.5/10 wowza! This is some GORGEOUS BUD. Both 8ths I had consisted of one giant bud and 2 smaller buds. All cured to perfection. Very very dense buds that were actually hard to break apart with just one hand. Definitely not a bud u can just squeeze and it falls apart. The buds literally looked silver there were so many trichomes. Very dark green and purple buds underneath. When u break the buds apart the inside is just as caked as the outside but is extremely extremely sticky. If I would squeeze a bud it looked like webs were coming from my fingers from how sticky it was. Had hangtime like Mj. I could go on and on about this flower but it’s really something u need to see in person to really understand. This is the DEFINITION OF BOUTIQUE WEED.

Smoke: 9/10 I tend to have this idea in my head that super pretty buds like this aren’t gonna taste or smoke very good. This strain proved me wrong. This shit was SMOKING. Very strong high that you feel almost immediately after taking a few hits. Great body high that will leave even the most experienced smoker slumped. Very good for at night time to help ur body unwind and get in to a deep sleep. Burnt super clean. White solid ash. Very defined resin ring every time I smoked it. Mostly tasted that sour fritter taste along with the earthy cherry. Really clean nice smoke. Can tell they’ve put a lot of love and hard work in to this strain.

Overall: 9/10 I was insanely impressed by this bud. Not only was it some of the prettiest bud I’ve seen in a while, it smoked just as good. I truly don’t think this particular strain could be grown any better. Cool to see companies that stick to what strains they do best and perfect them like this. They aren’t riding the waves everyone else is, they know what they are good at. It was almost a shame to break up some of these buds they were so perfect. If your looking for bud with incredible bag appeal that is also smoking as good as any of the heavy hitters today, any strain from the lumpys lineup will do but this strain is definitely my favorite of what I’ve tried. Definitely gonna try again.

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