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Strain Review: Cold Snap by LA Family Farms

Cold Snap

Lineage/Genetics: Biscotti x The Menthol

Original Breeder: WyEast Farms

Grower: LA Family Farms

Terpene Profile: Unknown

LA Family Farms Cold Snap Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

@la_family_farms is a company that takes pride in doing everything in-house. That sort of dedication and passion translates to the products they provide. Today we are releasing our review on their Cold Snap, which is a delicious cross of Biscotti x The Menthol. Thank you to @la_family_farms for producing some killer smoke and big shoutout to @officialnice_dc for getting some in my hands.

This Cold Snap was grown with love. It has a super fresh feel to it, and is absolutely covered with trichomes. Within that shine you see plum purple sugar leaves, and a combination of yellow and carrot orange pistils.

The nose on this Cold Snap is something special. Right away you get smacked with a super sweet candy aroma. That transitions to a slight sour and citrus fuel. It finishes back to that sweet candy with hints of fresh fruit.

Smoking on this Cold Snap really makes me appreciate fresh cannabis. The taste and dry pull are top notch. It starts out with that signature sweet candy tang. In the middle you get hit with fruity fuel and it finishes with a sweet and sour fuel that lingers around. The taste was amazing from start to finish.

I thoroughly enjoyed the high on this cut. I instantly felt myself becoming more and more relaxed with each pull. The high is long lasting and is really nice for an evening smoke.

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