FlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsSativa DominantStrains

Strain Review: Crescendo by Ethos Genetics

Crescendo 💙

Lineage/Genetics: Chem Dawg x I-95 x Mandarin Cookies

Original Breeder: Ethos Genetics

Crescendo Strain Review

crescendo by ethos genetics strain review by _scarletts_strains_Thc 19.19 %
Thca 21.21 %
CBD 0.06 %

Indica dominant hybrid

💕So researching the strain, I found out it was named after the musical term that signifies a gradual increase in intensity or loudness, which is a pretty accurate way to decribe the high.

You instantly begin to feel mellow as you start consiming, pero not tiered or sedated.

You feel mentally motovated to watch a movie or do something mentally stimulating, but as you keep smoking you wanna do less physically.

Since it’s quite couch locking, I’d recommend it as an evening strain.

The high hits hard and fast with a euphoric vide that makes your brain happy while leaving your body feeling heavy and relaxed.

Buds are lossly compact, slight hints of purple 🍬Muchies might be activated .
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