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Strain Review: Deadhead OG by Theory Wellness

DeadHead OG – @theorywellness

Lineage/Genetics:🧬 SFV OG Kush X Chemdog 91

Original Breeder: The Cali Connection

Grower: Theory Wellness

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Deadhead OG Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

My cousin picked up this bud from the local dispensary In Massachusetts. The funny thing about this cultivar is the genetics are basically the same as Motorbreath(SFV OG Kush X Chemdog) is just a difference of chemdog 91 or chem dog. So I knew this bud would be winner in my books 📚

👅 earthy and pine taste to it that great OG Kush flavor that you love .

👃 really skunky and gassy smell with hints of citrus as you break down the buds

🧠 after a couple puffs it provided a nice relaxing effect but added a chatty factor.

Since we were on vacation it was nice to have a bud that was chill but didn’t weigh me down with couch lock effects . The high provided a real nice cerebral effects and just a nice euphoric high and super munchies. #deadheadog #cannabis #ogcannabis #cannabisreview #cannabisphotography

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