Strain Review: Ebony and Ivory from One Plant FL
The Ebony and Ivory strain from @oneplant.fl is simply incredible. 🤤
Lineage/Genetics: The White x Nigerian
Original Breeder: Swamp Boys Seeds
Grower: 3 Boys Farm
Dispensary: One Plant FL
Ebony and Ivory Strain Review
Such a unique terpene profile unlike any other I’ve experienced. Sort of similar to blackjack in terms of caryophyllene and limonene, but there’s some other elements in there that just make this magnificent. And to compliment the terps is a lovely THC content and from what I can feel, decent pain relief and mental focus which could indicate CBG and THCV are in this as well. Love it for medicating at night when I’m not quite ready to fall asleep yet. And these beautiful 1+ gram nugs had me in a trance🤪. Always the best from One Plant. 🔥🌿🙏🏼
THC: 19.8%
CBD: 0.04%
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Love this strain, just tried it from 1 Plant for the 1st time and I’m glad I shopped in bulk!