FlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaOregonReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Fatso by Focus North Gardens

Fatso is a big, fat, greasy, meaty man of a strain. The kinda guy that takes up the entire room with his funky odors and inexplicable greasy, yet stickiness. @focusnorthgardens has brought this fat man to his full potential.

Lineage/Genetics: GMO Cookies x Legend OG

Indica or Sativa: Indica dominant Hybrid

Original Breeder: Green Dot Labs

Grower: Focus North Gardens

Dispensary: Oregrown

Focus North Fatso Strain Review

These nugs were strikingly beautiful. Olive green, covered in gold hair and glistening trichomes, they don’t rely on peacocky coloration for their looks. Their beauty lies in how well the basics are expressed. The trichomes are healthy and intact, and the colors are deep. This was grown well, and cared for deeply.

The scent is a dream for OG and GMO lovers alike. While the OG notes from its parent replace the garlicky notes I tend to get from GMO, this is a flavor profile I prefer. The umami funk comes through hard, but there’s an undeniable earthiness and gas to it that I really enjoy. It smells…healthy.

The high is as heavy as the name would suggest. I’ve been smoking it as my sleeping weed, but it’ll serve you just as well as a movie watching strain or just one to relax at the end of the day when you have a fridge full of food nobody will miss. Maybe you’ll smoke it in the morning because you need some pain or anxiety relief or you just don’t feel like getting out of bed. I’m not here to tell you how to smoke your weed.

I get all my @focusnorthgardens flower from @oregrownindustries because I like their budtenders and they give me an industry discount. As far as products and staff go, they’re pretty top notch. Worth a stop in for something as nice as this Fatso.
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