Strain Review: First Class Funk by LOWD
So, this is a review I’ve had to write a couple times now. I’ve had the First Class Funk (FCF) from @thelowd for a little bit, but it’s one I feel like I’ve kinda been wrong about this whole time. I had like no enthusiasm for it up until last night. I just kinda find many of these garlicky, savory hybrids to be kinda generic nowadays. This is kinda the problem with reviews in general. It’s really hard to fully separate oneself and your opinions from the actual work. So I’m gonna try to be as objective as possible for this, because it actually does seem to be a stand out product if you haven’t already decided it will be boring.
Lineage/Genetics: GMO x Jet Fuel
Original Breeder: Compound Genetics
Grower: LOWD
First Class Funk Strain Review
The overall bag appeal is top notch. It’s the LOWD. Even their lesser offerings are at a 9 or 10 for bag appeal. Crazy resin coverage, and some beautiful dark coloration with the purple hues and dark greens. The cure is fantastic with no real quality loss over the course of a couple months.
The terps are definitely funky. It’s got some of those roasted garlic notes, but also a sweetness I can’t put my finger on. Like, I have this cookbook centered around garlic, and there’s a “Sweets” section with a cake and some other shit. I kinda feel like this is what that cake will smell like. I lost that cookbook, so we may never know.
The high is where I really took some persuasion. At first I didn’t really enjoy it. Too stoney in the head without good relaxation. I’ve found a really happy quality to it recently, though. The headspace is thoughtful without provoking anxiety, and the body load is functional. I feel comfortable recommending this. It might not be something I’m gonna go back for a few more times, but I’ve quite enjoyed it.
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