
Strain Review: GSC (Forum Cut)

New batch of GSC (Forum cut)πŸͺπŸŒ²β›½οΈπŸ‹ straight from Oregon πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. –

GSC Strain Review

gsc strain review by jean_roulin_420 2This one is maybe a bit lacking on the bag appeal side of things but damn it’s hella terpy & potent. Probably the best cookie batch I ever had πŸ”₯πŸš€

Cookies are always a win win, gets you euphorically dumb & stoned to the bone while delivering these intoxicating aromas of a strange dessert/biscuits forgotten in a pine forest with kids riding their gasoline powered motorcycle all the way through 😍 Cheers ! –

#cookiesorbetter #420 #wedontsmokethesame #cannabis #budporn #indica #ogkush #topshelf #girlscoutcookies #thinmintgsc #hightimes #cannabisculture #cannabiscommunity

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French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.

flower mill ad - X grind, yes mill


French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.

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