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Strain Review: Hope OG by Royal Key Organics


Hope OG strain

Lineage/Genetics: Obama Kush X Geist OG

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Royal Key Organics

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Hope OG Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

hope og by royal key organics strain review by og kush lover 2THC:17% Terpenoids:1.8%
Total cannabinoids: 20%

First things first! I wanna shout out to @cholostoner77 for recommending the brand and this specific strain. As a OG Kush lover I have to try this gem!

This Sep 23rd 2022 jar comes with 2 large and 4 medium size Exotic 👀 nugs, bright light green mixed with some purple part & bushes of short amber pistils, covered w/ super frosty trichomes, it’s calyxed out and has a nice medium density, natural organic looking & light and easy to break up. It was hand trimmed with tons of TLC. Cured to perfection, definitely pass the sticky finger test!

Aroma wise is loud & pungent, classic OG lemon earthy mixed hops veggie funk and 🌶 , after grind i picked up more 🍭 & 🌸 ⛽️ 🍋 skunk and earthiness, totally nostalgia vibes and it’s definitely gonna make any OG Kush lover happy. I’m officially a royal key fan!

Smoked a 0.3g bowl with my water bong. The burn is super slow & smoke is smooth yet super potent, taste is earthy 🍋 and very creamy & sweet on the exhale. It hits smooth but I started coughing a lil a min after the hit. Felt lung expansion 30 sec after the hit, then the happy euphoric and creativity took over, strong head high like wearing a tight headband and lots pressure behind my eyes, body felt floaty and aches became mild, great anxiety relief.

Overall I love this strain! It’s offers classic aroma beautiful look and strong & classic OGkush chemD type effect, the high is enjoyable and it’s a good indica hybrid suitable for nighttime. I recommend this strain for all OG Kush smokers for nighttime usage or creative projects if you are high tolerance. I’m so glad that I found this!

#eurphoric #creativity #painrelief #420 #cannabislife #californiabag #socalcannbis #sgvweed #sgvcannabis #royalkeyorganics #hopeOG

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