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Strain Review: Jet Lag by Permanent Holiday

#jetlag @permanentholidayca @northsouth_distro @deepinthebag.official @thethcspot @letmeseewhatusmokin @bccalibudreviews @thehighestcritic

Lineage/Genetics🧬: Thin Mint Cookies x SFV OG

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Permanent Holiday

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Jet Lag Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

jet lag by permanent holiday strain review by phenoreviews420

Pckg: 01/16/23
THC: 36.48% CBD: ND
This was my first try of a strain from @permanentholidayca and this strain came highly recommended and liked what the cross was so had to give it a go.
The taste on inhale was a smack of fuel and kushy goodness, interchang both parent strains came forward; first with the thin mints to start off that gassy goodness and then a smack of that fuel from the sfv OG to remind you what the deal is. Great pressure😤😤, nice and smooth 💨💨 especially depending on this strain.
The exhale was more vibrant fuely notes with undertones of OG funk and skunky ⛽️.
The head high was immediate and on set heavy eyes; numbness to the Templar nodes and to the cerebral cortex. Moderate euphoria with strong Stoney vibes, no focus whatsoever and definite haze and most likely couch lock 🔒 not matter the amount consumed lol. Calming, anti anxiety and happy/joyous cerebral effects.
The body high was moderately strong to gorilla 🦍 level depending on amount consumed. Great pain relief and relaxing properties as well as insomnia help and good sedation .
Taste: 9.25 High: 9.5+
Overall: A1🔥🔥💨💨

This was a pleasant surprise of a try. Could’ve definitely been dialed in a bit more on the taste and flavor, but that being said the high of this strain is where it really shines, would’ve given it the A1+ of it was just a bit more flavorful and cleaner on throat. Would highly recommend and suggest this strain if you see fresh batch.

jet lag by permanent holiday strain review by phenoreviews420 2

#jetlag #permanentholiday #northsouthdistro #deepinthebag #antimidsclub #amcorgohome #wedontsmokethesame #smokebetter #qualityoverquantity #thefloracle #fresherpressure #pickiestofthestickiest #treatyourselfdontcheatyourself

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