CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: LacVille ’79 by The Bakerie

Lacville ‘79 by @thebakeriela

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: The Bakerie (created for Devin the Dude)

Grower: The Bakerie

Lacville ’79 Strain Review

lacville '79 by the bakerie strain review by christianlovescannabis 2Whoa lordie this thang is loud as fuck!! I could smell it as soon as I got back into the car. It was reaking out the bag. When I opened the bag I was smacked in the face with a strong gassy smell. But the longer I smelled the bag, I noticed a sour grape smell reminiscent of Pinot Grigio. I love the way this strain smells I could live in that little black bag. I was told that it was a gelato cross and that’s pretty apparent. In smell and looks. The high on this was a very strong relaxing body high with a slight head high. I really enjoyed this strain and will definitely be on the look out for more from these guys 🔥🤘🏽🔥🤘🏽

#thebakerie #lacville79 #indicahybrid #gelato #maryjane #norcalstoners #christiaovescannabis #realmedicine #dopesmoke

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