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Strain Review: Lamb’s Bread by UpNorth

Lamb’s Bread grown by UpNorth

Lineage/Genetics: Jamaican Landrace

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: UpNorth

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Lamb’s Bread Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

lamb's bread by upnorth strain review by ogweedreview

Her Numbers:
35.08% Total THC
Sum of the Cannabinoids 40.72%

I’m a searcher of Landrace cultivars and consider myself very fortunate to come across this Lamb’s Bread from UpNorth.

Cracking her jar open released a very subdued cheese aroma.

The six buds (three medium and three smalls) in my 1/8 were tight in structure, a light golden green mixed with darker hues of green, some oranges and reds running throughout, shimmering with a light coat of trichromes.

This 1/8 was packaged back on 9/20/2022, her buds were just a little dry.

Grinding her nuggs set free the CHEESE…glorious CHEESE with a bit of skunk.

Strangely she left behind an inordinate amount of kief in my freshly cleaned and sanitized grinder.

Putting some heat to this Lamb’s Bread from UpNorth was very savory, her inhale was a Creamy Cheese and her exhale was a Cheesy/Spicy Rye Whiskey with a whisper of Sandalwood.

Her high was a nice creeper for me, slowly building into an uber focused daytime euphoria.

She started behind my eyes and slowly expanded to my whole head, a perfect head high, with some low-key visuals in my periphery.

This is a perfect cultivar to help stimulate your muse and release your creative demons or to just get that job you’ve been putting off, finally finished.

Seriously, this Lamb’s Bread from UpNorth is in my opinion the perfect daytime high.

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