CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Lemon Cherry Runtz by Golden Gate Genetix x Killa Exotics

Lemon Cherry Runtz 🍋 🍒

Lineage/Genetics: [Lemon Cherry x Gelato 41 Pheno]

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Golden Gate Genetix x Killa Exotics

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Lemon Cherry Runtz Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Class: Small Batch
Powered By: @killaexotics1
Cultivated By: @goldengategenetix x @killaexotics1

Smell | Flavor: Let’s get into it, cracking open this flower is actually pretty flavorful for a lemon cherry pheno not gonna lie. It’s got a strange depth to it, and it even has candy terps that are a bit boosted on the front end of the palate. On the dry pull you get that profile more developed, with the slight citrus now revealed.

The High: The high for me in this one was pretty smooth. The flavor made the smoke through it enjoyable. It halfway through the strike, you’ll feel a carried buzz through your head and outer aura. The body hit is mostly relaxed but nothing too heavy, which is good for non-recreational smokers even. The high is relaxed but very social, go roll this one up with your friends and all, or just go see something new.

Dope’s Thoughts: Overall, not a bad smoke. It was a nice moderate experience, however I do wish it had a bit more flushed for a fully white ash content. Done beautifully.

This gets a 5.6/10 from me 💯

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