Strain Review: Moonbow #112 by Burnside Garden Collective
Anywhoozle, let’s get to my review of this LOVELY Moonbow #112 from @archive.portland and @thc.pdx, basically Portland’s main source for magazine cover exotics.
Lineage/Genetics: Zkittlez x Do-Si-Dos
Original Breeder: Archive Seed Bank
Grower: Burnside Garden Collective
Dispensary: TreeHouse Collective
The nugs were gorgeous and frosty with tints of pink and purple throughout. The aroma falls aggressively toward the Cookies lineage, very candy sweet with baking spice and frosted dough.
The effects are also incredibly Cookie forward I’m my view. “In-Your-Face”, cerebral stoniness hits you hard as you choke from the thick smoke, easing into a care-free giggly euphoria.
If you run into any Moonbow in your travels, pick some up and enjoy your social distancing in style. Also, use your freshly washed hands to tip your budtenders well, if you can afford it. They’re working hard and stressed to shit. At least voice your appreciation for their service.
Life’s gonna be a little weird for a while. It’s hard to plan for such an uncertain future, but you best believe that as long as there’s weed being sold, I’m gonna smoke it and write about it. If this stimulus thing happens, I’m buying edibles and RSO so my medical needs are covered if I get sick. I’ll review that shit, no fucks given.
Stay safe, stay home, and wash your fucking hands.
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Moonbow Strain Review

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