Strain Review: Orange Cookies MAC by Arnow Browne
So, if you like candy terps, this is your jam. @tetra.pdx just posted about this Orange Cookie MAC from @arnowbrowne, and they did it for a damn reason. It seems like all my favorite hidden gems wind up no longer hidden after a while, but this farm in general is fantastic and consistent while remaining fairly budget friendly for the quality.
Lineage/Genetics: Orange Cookies x MAC
Original Breeder: Arnow Browne
Grower: Arnow Browne
Dispensary: Tetra Cannabis
Orange Cookies MAC Strain Review
This stuff had a super citrus heavy profile, but these sweet candy notes that stopped it from being the limonene bomb so many citrus strains wind up being. It had this sort of lemon drop and orange incense smell when I first bought it, super unique. As I broke it up the smell sweetened and mixed together into kind of an Orangehead vibe. You know that sweet, sour, kinda zesty deal Lemonheads have going? That, but orange.
That smell sticks HARD. The residual smell on my fingers alone literally overpowered rotten meat. It’s the first time in years that my mom has mentioned how pungent I am when I came inside from smoking. I love it when I can smell my hands even after I wash them. #washyourhandsyoufilthyanimal
The high was super heady and thoughtful for me. Sort of that squinty-eyed, giggly high old school Latin American sativas gave. My body chemistry is fucking with me real hard right now, so I’ve had a range of mood reactions to this stuff. I’m honestly not gonna be speaking to the anxiety relieving effects of weed for a bit, because even Xanax ain’t hitting how I want it to these days.
My friends at Tetra carry a lot of fine products, but I don’t know if there’s anyone I could recommend over these guys. They’re hard to beat when it comes to budget friendliness at this quality level, and they’re still flying somewhat under the hype radar. Now is a good time to grab some shit from @arnowbrowne if you can. I can all but guarantee I’m tagging the wrong account here, but I can’t find the right one, so fuck it. Buy this weed.
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