FlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Purple Badlands by Greenpoint Seeds

💙 Purple Badlands 💙 // Indics Dom

Lineage/Genetics: Blueberry (Flo) x Stardawg

Original Breeder: Greenpoint Seeds

Purple Badlands Strain Review

purple badlands by greenpoint seeds strain review by _scarletts_strains_THC 24.97% // THCA 28.15%

• Effects: happy euphoria in a lazy relaxing way

This strain leaves you feeling good with an eased mind and relaxed body. When you take small to moderate doses it gives you an over all chill effect. When consumed in larger quantities it makes you more tiered, with the couch potato effect.
Munchies highly activated my stomach wouldn’t stop growling, my friends were laughing.

Great for unwinding at the end of a long day. Pretty good for anxiety. do to its mental and body relaxation.

• Nerolidol (6.71 mg/g): sedating, calming
• Limonene (5.77 mg/g): stress relief, mood boosting
• Linalool (3.19 mg/g): body relaxer, anti-anxiety
• Mycrene (2.32 mg/g): sedative, euphoria
• Caryophyllene (2.28 mg/g) : mood boosting
• Pinene (1.93 mg/g) : memory, creativity

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