CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Push Pop by Loud THC Organics

Push Pop
By @loudthcorganics
Gifted by the standout professional folks over at @_terpyturtles_ 🤙

Lineage/Genetics: Cookies and Cream x Temple Flo

Original Breeder: Exclusive Seeds

Grower: Loud THC Organics

Push Pop Strain Review

Appearance – In the bag, the plant looked to be a dark green, I than pulled out the biggest bud and to my suprise there was no green at all on that bud, it was just like a rolling mountain colored purple. Orange hairs spread out the flower and smoothered in sugary sweet trichs as if tinkerbell herself sprinkled some pixie dust atop this finely grown cannabis. I pulled the nug open and there was the green in the middle, with a burst of purple in a circle around the lime geen center.

Smell – At first smell my nose recieved a whiff of a very sweet sugary scent that tappered off into a creamy vanilla purple spice scent, as I ground the plant up this majestic plant exuded into a smooth creamy purple neverland filling the room with a sweet candy mixed with a creamy purple essence.

Taste – On the inhale a milky sugary sweet cream filled my mouth and lingered until the exhale. The exhale was a remarkable flavor, hints of candy mixed with a creamy purple earthiness.

Effects – 1 bubbler hit and I could feel my eyes get slightly heavy, a head rush filled the top of my head across my brow, I was very focused on what I was doing, 2 hits was one hell of a buzz body was relaxed but my mind was sharp, after the 3rd your like a kite that got struck by a lightning bolt. I am feeling very creative my pen is writting faster than my mind is even processing.

Overall this bud had it all, the looks, smell, taste, and effects, about 40 mins in I got very tired and struggled to stay awake, if you are new to smoking than take it easy or just pick another strain, this one will anhilate you if your not careful. Seasoned vets toke away and venture off into your wildest imaginations, or just knock out some of that ever growing honey dew list or just sink into the couch and fall into a heavy slumber, @loudthcorganics you slayed this batch, can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us.

@luigifarms @byrd_extracts_co @shore_extractor @greenplanefilms @frostbrosdmv @district_sticker @dzglasss_
#initiative71 #dcweedevents #cannabiscommunity

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