FlowerHybridsIllinoisIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Sharksbreath by matter.

🚨New Cultivator Alert🚨 This is my first time trying @matterproducts, and this Sharksbreath strain provided some great relief. ⁠⠀

Lineage/Genetics: Great White Shark x Lamb’s Bread

Original Breeder: DNA Genetics

Grower: matter.

Sharksbreath Strain Review

Sharksbreath is a cross of Great White Shark and Lamb’s Bread. Though labeled as an indica, Sharksbreath is often described as an indica-dominant hybrid, which more accurately describes the way it hit me.⁠⠀
The high started out behind the eyes then followed with a subtle body high. I had a headache all day and nothing I smoked relieved it, until this. I was also alert and energized despite the indica label. The labels, sativa and indica, aren’t always the best indicator of how a strain will affect you. Rather than relying on broad categories, I like to try strains and see how they work for me.⁠⠀
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