Strain Review: Sour Pink Grapefruit by Cresco Labs
I started my day with this strain and I’ve been focused ever since. Sour Pink Grapefruit is an amazing sativa.
Lineage/Genetics: Sweet Pink Grapefruit x East Coast Sour Diesel v3
Original Breeder: HortiLab
Grower: Cresco Cannabis
Dispensary: The Herbal Care Center
It’s uplifting and energizing effects make it perfect for the morning and the taste is like a good lemonade, a little sweet but kind of tart. I’m sure it’s East Coast Sour Diesel roots helped win me over. Shout out to Chris @theherbalcarecenter for recommending! ⠀
THC: 0.406%
THCa: 22.520%
TBT to this Sour Pink Grapefruit flower! I miss potent sativas that boost my mood and help me be productive. When I first started smoking, sativas were my go-to. I didn’t even consider hybrids or indicas, to my detriment, but that’s a conversation for another day. Lately, I haven’t been able to find sativa strains that give me the mood and energy boost I so desperately need during these 🌀 twisted times🌀 . I worked remotely before the pandemic, but adding on corona has tanked my productivity. Sprinkle on the constant grief-inducing news cycle, and you have a recipe for depression. I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but it can certainly feel like it some days.
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Sour Pink Grapefruit Strain Review

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