
Strain Review: Tangerine Dream (S5 Haze x Neville Haze)

Tangerine Dream (S5 Haze X Neville Haze) grown with love & care.

Tangerine Dream Strain Review

tangerine dream strain review by jean_roulin_420 2Make me feel in Amsterdam again, early 2010´s, seeking for the perfect haze in every coffee shops spending lots of € cause it was always the most expensive strains on the menu haha ❤️ This batch is fire omg, even though i smoke less haze nowadays I still love some 😁 It has that lovely haze taste & « float in the air » high feeling.

#thc #420 #sativa #haze #amsterdamcoffeeshop #fleurduseigneur #weed

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French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.

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French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.

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