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Strain Review: Tangie by Team Elite Genetics

Tangie (in house pheno)

Lineage/Genetics: California Orange x Skunk #1 x Unknown

Original Breeder: DNA Genetics

Grower: Team Elite Genetics @teamelitegenetics

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Team Elite Genetics Tangie Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

This is another legendary strain from the team elite vault, they know I love the old juicy exclusive gems that haven’t been around in a while so anytime they can dig me out a special one from the past I’m honored to receive it like a rare expensive bottle of aged wine 🍷 jar cured and soil grown so the terps are designed to flourish with age, real connoisseur smoke 💨 this is the breeding champion that gave birth to orange juice and orange soda so many cannabis cups have been in this family line. It’s a blessing to dive in!

Appeal: A-
Wild exotic foxtailing claw like structures, w/ open semi-spacey calyxed out sativa leafy build . Yellow orange shades and tint’s from long rusty pistils, & burnt tipped leafs. Some slight signs of aging in the coloring, and a little bit of extra crispness in the snaps, but other than that I’m blown away how long and how well this lasted, very greasy resinous soft semi-sticky moist inners. With an extremely fresh and juicy long lasting cure. & it’s Totally trichome saturated with nice sized clustered heads.

Aroma: A+
Insanely loud and JUICY orange citrus, pungent peppery tropical skunky cheesy gas. Crisp fruits, florals. Lemons, light pines, Herbals, spice, and a background sour-dank gassy chemD Creamy onion musk. Juicy, Loud, Terpy, & Gassy. A1 TERPS PER USUAL

Burn A Taste A
Pure white ash, rare pepper, with crazy motor oil LEAKIN! The taste were hardcore juicy oranges, tropical cheesy skunky pungent peppery gassy diesel, chemd sours and musks. Herbal spice, cookie, and hints of floral.

Effect A Potency A
Strong potency rush, strong body buzz, with a potent euphoric cerebral buzz. Energizing, uplifting, but with a heavy bake to it also. Hits hard and fast. 2.5hour STRONG buzz. Clean and powerful medication.

Overall: A
Now I know where OJ & OS get it. Insane terps, great burn, powerful clean effects and potency. Appeal was the only thing slightly affected by age but was still GNARLY appeal, teg really has mastered lasting cures, roaches that increase in flavor, & flower that flourishes with age. A1 buds

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