CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: The Piper by Blueprint


Lineage – ?

The Brand – Blueprint @blueprint_california

The Bred by – Blueprint @blueprint_california

Via – @georgetownexotics_ @zahzahmane_dmv

Terpene Profile: Limonene Dominant

The Piper Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

The Visual Appeal –
The Cannabis era in 2022 is all about presentation . Came in a Mylar bag I do like the concept on the bag . On the bag is blueprint logo on the front and on the back it’s got like Spotify music logo type vibe

The Appearance – is a beautiful cross different arrays of colors from green to purple nugs very frosty nugs looking some baby diamonds shine on the nugs .

The Aroma -Sweet, tropical doughy funk

Taste – Sweet , Tropical doughy funk , earthy

The ash resin ring / ash color – ✅

The Effects – heavy Eye High , sweating, Sleepy

The Smoke Ability – harsh or smooth (smooth)

Lung Expansion – potent , after 3/5 pulls I started to feel the effects . 1 -2 hour high

Primary Terpenes -Limonene, Caryophyllene, Linalool, Humulene, Pinene

Conclusion – Today we have The Piper by Blue Print California . This is my first time trying this brand I been waiting to try out product for a while now . The Piper really taste similar to strain Typhoon 🌀 that’s cross was Gelato 33 x Gelato 41 .

But The Piper got a tropical doughy taste on inhale and earthy flavor on the inhale . Definitely hit me immediately off 3 pulls . But I think it might have some dosido or gelato in The Piper but it definitely got some gsc in her genetics or maybe some Zkittlez but could be a gelato cross as well . But like to guess the strain when I don’t know the genetic on it . But she definitely got some cookies traits in her . Giving me the dab sweats .

Heavy eyes effects definitely something I would smoke again and I would like to try more of there products. The ash was very clean the most stuff I have been smoking with a lot of flavor. The Piper is definitely potent not for the new consumers or someone not looking for a heavy head during the day . Personally I would smoke this during night time or you will be sleep I was last night 🤣. If ya come across this strains make sure you pick it up .

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