Strain Review: The Vanishing #6 by Funk House Farm
The Vanishing (pheno # 6) – @funkhousefarm
Assisted by: @badlarrybuds
Nose: Doughy, cakey, burnt rubber, candy, piney, spicy
Inhale: Cakey, fuel/diesel, earthy, candy, citrus, rubbery
Exhale: Fruity, chemmy, musty, creamy, cakey
Lineage/Genetics 🧬: Runtz x Ice Cream Cake (pheno #6)
Bred by: Lawless Breed Genetics
Cultivated by: Funk House Farm
Terpene Profile: Unknown

The Vanishing #6 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Hey what’s up everyone? I’m a day late on this one due to some end of the month activities but I did want to kick off the weekend right. Today, I have another new face to add to the review page who also hails from Maine, just north of Portland. I’m referring to Funk House Farms and, for this review, we will be diving into The Vanishing pheno #6 from their recent hunt, which was originally bred by Lawless Breed Genetics who, in turn, gave it that name. Having heard this name pop up a handful of times over the past couple years from acquaintances as well as a handful of times on Mainetrees on Reddit I was stoked to finally be able to try. Even their IG page was indicative of the wide variety of cultivar they dabble in, mostly notably the Stockton Slap which caught my eye. I was lucky enough to get my hands on The Vanishing #6 courtesy of @badlarrybuds who has shown a bevy of interest in the page recently. Featuring a cross between Ice Cream Cake and Runtz, I had an upfront feeling I was going to have to save some room for dessert. Especially after recently reviewing a decent batch of Gelato Icee, I was a little curious to see how the lineage on this (somewhat similar) would compare. Let’s waste no more time and get into the facts! I received The Vanishing #6 in a plastic ziplock bag so there isn’t much to note on the packing. Upon opening up the bag, I was instantly smacked in the face with that ICC odor with heavy cake and dough terps. Once I gave it a good woft I honed in on various odors including spicy pine and burnt rubber aromas. While this cultivar carried a unique smell, I got all the classic feels of a candied out ICC strain which fit the bill correctly. The nugs I pulled out were humungous, some holding a weight of 2.5-3g a piece. A little deeper into the sesh the creamy notes became more prevalent throughout he exhale producing that stereotypical Runtz aftertaste. The pulls became increasingly rubbery while boasting hints of z terps within the crevices. I also noticed the exhales becoming increasingly rubbery throwing off an aftertaste of cake and buttercream frosting notes. However, there was still some citrus sour power at this point making some of the inhales a bit harsher than others. While the taste was exceptional, I wasn’t the biggest fan of how this one burned. Personally, it felt like I was fighting to keep the joint lit on some occasions, especially times when I went to light it back up again after extinguishing. Throughout the halfway point and on I didn’t notice too many changes between the inhale and exhale. I did catch slight hints of z terps which coated my mouth towards the tail end of the sesh but, besides that, the taste remained pretty consistent through the finish. I didn’t notice any flavor loss despite the fact it was tough getting a this one to light back up due to the clog. All in all, I think this cultivar had a decent terp profile but lacked a little bit in regards to smokability. However, I can attest that, it only has potential of becoming a fan favorite the more and more it becomes dialed in. The onset of medicinal effects were nothing to gripe about. The Vanishing #6 didn’t waste much time kicking in during the course of the sesh. By the end of it, my eyes were extremely water and baggy complimenting a sinus build up in the front of my face from some of those harsher inhales. This one hit the head early and often as I felt a slight buzzing right in the center lobe of my brain. Creating enhanced thoughts, this somewhat hit me juxtaposed to how I intended it to be. This cultivar also helped sparking my creative capacities including an increase to my deductive reasoning skills. Still feeling relaxed within my core, I had no issues getting up and getting out while under the influence of this cultivar. If anything, I was chattier than usual on that, although that’s tough for those who know me to believe. For times when I burned this too late in the evening and wanted to stay in I still gave my fiancé an earful while experiencing the effects of this. Additionally, this put me in an all-around good frame of mind particularly after the week long trip I had a few weeks back. The medicinal effects were durable as they lasted somewhere between the hour and half to two hour mark. I can’t say the high the Vanishing #6 sparked was anything short of likeable. Personally, this was quite balanced although I think this surprisingly turned into a “get up and go get it” type of highs. After having a chance to the Vanishing #6 from Funk House Farms, courtesy of Bad Larry Buds, I thought this cultivar is only going to get better the more dialed in it becomes. While the aesthetics were absolutely gorgeous, with natural purple hues that stood out, I do think the smoke could of used some improvements. Especially the fact that the joint kept clogging up forcing it to extinguish was my biggest concern. Nonetheless, this cultivar did bring about an enticing terp profile that will appeal to the likes of dessert smokers that enjoy a bit of a gassy punch with sweet but bitter profile. The main course within this experience had to lie within the medicinal effects. I think for those dealing with any symptoms of anxiety, depression, or anger-related illness will find bliss in the overall tone this high sets. For me, it was perfect mostly due to the fact I could enjoy this cultivar at any time of the day and let it’s effects marinate with whatever I had going on at the time. I wanted to give a big shout out to Bad Larry for assist on this as well as Funk House Farms for bringing the heat. They have peaked my interest to try more from them again. Posing with absolutely magnificent aesthetics including brighter-to-darker colored hues, this one certainly grabs the attention of the consumer quick. Concocting with shades of brighter green places under an overpowering display of blinding white trichromes. Even the many pistils, still in tact, were difficult to make out amongst the darker shades of purple as well as the other standout features this cultivar possessed. Once I cracked open one of the nugs is when I gained sense for stronger notes of fuel and burnt rubber than I had picked up on earlier. This cultivar provided somewhat of a leafy/flaky surface binding together by its hefty weight and sticky appeal. I found no issues posed when breaking up hand although using the grinder for this ultimately led to the best yield. When doing so, I surprisingly got heavier earth overtones which trumped the various aromas mentioned earlier before breaking the nug down. The dry pull taken on the joint consisted of extremely gassy notes of candied lemons with a smooth layer of nuttiness that follows. When I sparked The Vanishing #6 in an Organic RAW, my first impressions were heavy notes of diesel piled up with a delectable dose of cake terps setting the tone for a more overpowering smoke than I originally expected. The diesel terps I caught were more along the lines of a sharp, bitter chem taste that carried over through the exhale. On the follow through I received quite a bit of mustiness to go along with mild fruity notes which left somewhat of a creamy taste left sitting on my breath.Check out more reviews by @toptierterpsma on Instagram! (