Strain Review: Turbo Lemon Cake by Revolution Cannabis
Revolution 🍋 Turbo Lemon Cake
Lineage/Genetics: Sour Kush x Sour Diesel x Harlequin
Original Breeder: Moxie Seeds
Grower: Revolution Cannabis
This is the first of sativa submissions for the cannabis cup Illinois as we begin the new series.
The smell was slightly diminished but with a deep inhale and crack of the nuggets you catch a firm lemon gas aroma and a hazey funky note that taps you at the end of the nose. Theres a tignle of spice that was hard to ignore and almost made you want to stop smelling the cannabis.
I did like the visuals forest greens and dark orange hairs but the trichomes made this shine. When nuggets have these dark hues it really allows the glass clear trichomes to illuminate and be themselves. This was more of a popcorn nug situation than a primo nug so I could just imagine a top cola being awesome.
Taste was a sour lemon candy combination of a strong haze fuel flavor. Above average on the potency for sure and the diesel taste last throughout the entire smoke which proves to us this was put through great care before consumption.
This combination of sour kush, sour diesel and harlequinn takes you to the next level mentally. Its a focus body high that clears the mind without giving you tunnel vision. Its perfect if you are with a group of people and you want to get that conversational vibe going. I got up started making coffee moving around and I love this about cannabis with the “sativa” characteristics. I hunt for these I enjoy the sensations and the joyful trance you enter after smoking. This truly delivered on that note.
@revolutioncanna scores big again as always, I didnt think the visuals were spectacular but the scent flavor and effects were spot on. Keep doing your thing I love it.
Turbo Lemon Cake 8/10
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Turbo Lemon Cake Strain Review

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