Cannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsStrainsWashington, D.C.

Strain Review: Yolanda (¥olanda) by UnorthadocbutAddictive

¥olanda 🙋🏾‍♀️
[Lineage Undisclosed]

Powered By: @unorthadocbutaddictive @labelsthebrand
Cultivated By: UnorthadocbutAddictive @unorthadocbutaddictive

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Yolanda Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Class: Soil Organic [Washington D.C.]
Flavor Line: Self Titled Line-Up

yolanda by unorthadocbutaddictive strain review by dopamine

As you break this open, you’re invited to a bouquet of classic terps: A deep kush funk comes into play, and is then collaborated with this earthy sweet and sour musk that comes off nearly like a snap of gmo funk. All of this blends together well for the Ÿolanda, and gives a distinction. As I rolled it up, and proceeded with my dry pull taste, it came in nice, clean, and kushy with a taste that then reminded me of a dope Kush Mint cut I had from a bit back. Loving it in this department.

As you take your first few pulls, you’ll start to feel those effects drum up right away. The activity begins to focus on the base of your forehead, mimicking the effects of $tacii in this way, however as you continue to partake in it the experience is different. You’ll be feeling a heavy euphoria with this flower, and the intensity of the high continues on your head before melting downward around the rims of your eyes. Halfway through you should feel a bit weightless with some of that activity from the high now stretched across to your temples. This made me feel as if I was wearing a pair of goggles, with lack of better description of this feeling. As this sets in, you may feel a bit talkative or get a boost of creativity and interest with this, which I found very pleasing in this. As you near the end, you’ll feel this buzz overtaking you from the base of your neck upward, and as such you’ll discover a float that you’ll immensely enjoy. Very well done.

Effects Clock-In: 3-3 1/2 Hours

Overall, I loved the difference of experience in this. I hope to see this pushed out as much as possible, and that people get more into these flowers. By my word, this is some of the most solid quality grown in dc.

yolanda by unorthadocbutaddictive strain review by dopamine 2


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