Vape Review: 10mm Spalted Beech Baby Custom DynaVap Vapcap by Aezhenn Wood
Playing with my new 10mm spalted beech baby by @aezhennwood with spiked @glass_charlie tube.
Love the aesthetics on this one, it evokes me of esoteric asian art somewhat 😂 I can’t put my fingers on it. The spalted lines contrasting with turquoise inlays reminds me of some Zelda Wind Waker art too.
The glass Charlie brings a next level smoothness to your Vapcap experience 😃
#aezhennwood #dynaverse #dynavap #dynavapcommunity #wood #spaltedbeech #turquoise #customdynavap #glasscharlie #woodworking #vaporents #fuckcombustion #dryherbvape #artisanvape

10mm Spalted Beech Baby Custom DynaVap Vapcap Vape Review

French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.