Vape Review: Hawaiian Herer Cartridge by One Plant
Loving these Hawaiian Herer cartridges from @oneplant.fl 🔥🔥🔥
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: One Plant FL
Processor: One Plant FL
Dispensary: One Plant FL
So damn citrusy and a wonderful headbuzz to keep you going throughout the day👌🏼. Can’t wait to see what else One Plant comes out with because it’s always amazing🌿🔥🙏🏼. And with the bulk pricing, these end up being some of the cheapest carts you can get anywhere and such an incredible quality for the price. One Plant seems to be my Number One in terms of quality, service, and basically everything else🙏🏼.
THC: 92.42%
CBD: 0.31%
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Hawaiian Herer Cartridge Review

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