Cannabis InfusedEdiblesGummiesReviewsSpain

Edible Review: 250mg Gummy Bears by Care Bears

@carebears710uk 250mg THC Infused Gummy Bears

Im back with another edible review this morning! Finally its time to review these impressive 250mg THC gummy bears by @carebears710uk

Brand: Care Bears

Care Bears 250mg Gummy Bears Review

First of all I am presented with simple but effective packaging. It’s not the most eye catching of designs, but the multicoloured bears themselves are well presented and are clearly visible through the transparent packaging. This way you know exactly what you’re getting before the bags even open! The packet is finished with a branded label showing the strength of each bear, this is perfect for medicinal use or simply just for micro-dosing.

There are five individually flavoured bears in a pack at 50mg per bear! Each bear is finished with a sweet sugar-coating. Every individual sweet is packed full of unique flavour, leaving only the slightest, most pleasant, aftertaste of the BHO after each bite!

These were little creepers and the effects set in about an hour after I finished the pack and were very surprising for a 250mg edible. I felt a sativa like rush initially, followed by some appetite stimulation so I decided to go out for lunch. This is when I really noticed the high hit me like a ton of bricks as I noticed a huge decrease in cognitive function and the muscle around my eyes and forehead were extremely heavy. My vision was impaired and I was completely spaced out for a good 5 hours. I would not recommend a full pack if you have plans because you simply can not think straight after 250mg.

The simply delightful taste is second to none! Also I have to say that the overall quality of these edibles is superb! I would definitely recommend these edibles, as I myself will be getting another pack as soon as I can!

Thanks to @carebears710uk hopefully see you back over here again soon bro its been a pleasure trying your edibles.

#edible #gummybears #infusedgummybears

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