CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Cultivar Review: The Piper by Blueprint

#thepiper by @blueprint_california

Lineage – ???

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Blueprint

Terpen Profile: Unknown

The Piper Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review


@blueprint_california once again proving to be one of the best from the west. This award winning brand has nothing but heat out the kitchen . This time around, I had the chance to review The Piper. I feel the Piper comes from the GG/ Biscotti possible animal cookies family due to the heavy octane gas after taste. The scent is a pungent, floral, rubbery fuel. The palate is berries infused hazelnut coffee fuel mint after taste .

It’s like smoking on Nutella sour raspberries with skunk . I can taste a blend of spice of caryophyllene, and smell the limonene sweetness on the nugs . The nugs came dense still in good condition. The Trichomes iced out buds featured with purple blueberry hues, butternut squash pistils, cilantro color leaves 🍃. The effects are heavy level intense cerebral high for about 40 min and starts fading ending the high for an 1.5 high on the first sesh. The second sesh had me napping 😴. The effects are mainly on the eyes and heady high. The smoking experience was a gassy one, had my chest locked.

I tried it in three different papers. Two elements and one Raw – elements slow burn – 5/5 – elements original – 4.5/5 – raw organic hemp black – 5/5 . The inhale is smooth yet gassy on the exhale 😮‍💨. Overall the piper came to play with the lung pipes and come to take over with a balance high, gassy notes and sweet savory scents. The appeal is on point as well. Big shoutout to @blueprint_california for cultivating the heat . I love the p90, the piper follows suit. It’s clean gassy smoke with vintage strains being the blueprint for cultivated cultivars at the moment.

They whole lineup ringing bells like Sunday at 12 pm. – The Piper – 4.8/5
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