CaliforniaCannabis InfusedHybridsMarijuanaPre-rollReviewsStrainsTHCV

THCV Rich Pink Boost Goddess Infused Pre-roll by CHEMISTRY.

Hall of Flowers coverage continues with one of the pre-rolls that I was most excite about reviewing. None other than the Chemistry Infused Pink Boost Goddess pre roll. Infused PBG preroll for short. More on that later.

Lineage/Genetics: Boost x Black Garlic x Unknown Goddess

Original Breeder/Grower: Emerald Spirit Botanicals

Terpene Profile: Myrcene Dominant (Myrcene, Ocimene, Terpinolene)

Processor: CHEMISTRY.


Pink Boost Goddess Infused Pre-roll Review

PBG needs to stand for Pink Boost Goddess. I will do what I can to not let that other PBGelato that will fade into the nothingness of history while PBG (Pink Boost Goddess) shall be the reigning diety.

The PBG is a THCV heavy flower that has won multiple awards – a review of the flower can be found here.

Chemistry has processed some PBG and taken that PBG extract and added it back to PBG flower and rolled it all up into an infused PBG preroll.

The smoke was smooth throughout.

Escalator of a high. Nary a cough throughout the whole thing and I was using my big boo lungs. Usually scared in the infused but this is really a proper proper feel.

The smoke was creamy and zour. Medium body – and not light by any means. Floral and earth. Nary a fruit tone to me.

Instant time dilation like when you’re falling asleep under the effects of a heavy heavy myrcene dominant grape “traditionally marketed as indica” strain… but you have control. There’s no couch lock. In fact, if I wanted to get up off the couch I feel like I could make the jump in record time.

Kinda like kicking on the hyperdrive for a short jump. Or, closer to the surface of planets, like hitting the perfect boost in that Star Wars podracing game.

S/o Mason and Joseph.

Stock pic because i was too zoned in to take my own :).

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Founder of The Highest Critic
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Caleb Chen

Founder of The Highest Critic Unpaid /r/trees mod Certified Ganjier Kine bud enthusiast

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