Vape Review: Gelato #33 Cartridge from Liberty Healthy Sciences
Gelato #33 (Sunset Sherbert x Thin Mints Cookies) is pretty darn good🔥
Lineage/Genetics: Sunset Sherbert x Thin Mints Cookies
Original Breeder: SHERBINSKIS
Processor: Papa’s Herb
Gelato #33 Cartridge Vape Review
Went by @libertyhealthsciences and picked up this and a gdp cart that I’ll try here soon. Not harsh at all on the low setting of my pen👌🏼A creamy and fruity taste that stays with your palate for a long while. Tastes and smells a lot like flower almost. A pleasant head buzz that travels outwards and gives you the tingles. Great for anytime of day 👏🏼
THC: 87.9%
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