Lobbying for employee rights to use cannabis off hours in Colorado
Back in February, I was given the chance to be a part of something bigger than myself, a movement to protect the rights of the cannabis community. ✊🌿
Lobbying for employee rights HB20-1089 in Colorado
At 11 a.m, I, along with @colorado_norml420, @americansforsafeaccess, and other groups, met at the Denver capitol building in Colorado to lobby for a new bill, HB20-1089. This bill, was introduced in order to protect the rights and privacy of cannabis consumers and patients in Colorado. We beleive that you should own your time off, and that your employer should not dictate what you choose to do in your free time. This bill would have provided a necessary shield to cannabis users, ensuring that they couldn’t be fired for off duty cannabis use.
We all had strong, compelling testimonies, and double the amount of testimony that our opposition did. However, big money won again, and the committee did not approve our bill. A great example of how the bureaucracy does NOT have our best interests in mind. While we had great testimonies, our opposition had more lawyers. We WILL NOT give up, however. There are more battles to be fought, and more injustices to undo. I’m thankful for the wonderful connections I made, and I look forward to continuing to fight for the cannabis community.
🌿✊💚 My heart bleeds green.
#inspired #inspiration #knowyourrights #fightforyourrights #standupandfight #vote #votegreen #marijuanamovement #cannabiscommunity #cannabisnews #cannabispolitics #420friendly #weedstagram420 #wax #thc #dabs #weed #cannabis #legalizeit #legalizemarijuana #knowledgeispower #themoreyouknow #weedscience @denverwestword
Alejandro Perez is the owner of CannaQuestions, an educational community for cannabis consumers. Find his page on Instagram @cannaquestions, or visit the official website cannaquestionsofficial.com!