What is Limonene?
Happy Monday canna fam!
We’re back and today we’re talking about a terpene known as limonene! You might be asking, what are terpenes? You might also be asking, why is a bear smoking out of a lemon?? Well, to answer the first part, terpenes are amazing compounds that are found in MANY plant species across the globe. 🌍
What is Limonene and where is it found?
In cannabis, they’re attributed to the aroma, taste, and effects! It’s often assumed that Limonene (pronounced lie-mo-neen) is abundant in cannabis strains that have a citrusy or lemony scent (our bear friend smoking a lemon, for example). It’s not always the case, and lab results would be needed for a conclusive percentage of how much Limonene a certain strain has.
So, about this terpene!
Some of its potential effects are: elevated mood, stress relief, increase in energy, and even antibacterial properties! Investigations into it’s use have also confirmed that it is an effective anti-inflammatory. Scientists also concluded that limonene could be used as a dietary supplement, as it has been known to be used as a treatment in gastric disorders!
What strains have you used that smelled lemony?
Did you like your experiences? Let’s let the cannabis community know in the comments! 👇
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Alejandro Perez is the owner of CannaQuestions, an educational community for cannabis consumers. Find his page on Instagram @cannaquestions, or visit the official website cannaquestionsofficial.com!