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Vape Review: Indica Cartridge by MedMen

Indica cartridge by the MedMen Processor: MedMen

MedMen Indica Cartridge Review

indica cartridge by medmen vape review by shanchyrls 2Thc/CBD Recommended time of use: Night time is recommended unless you are macrodosing to ease pain and discomfort. If you accidentally overmedicate get ready to sleep Head: slowed down things to the point where I was only concerned about was I had in front of me at the time. Body: This cartridge eased my spasms, and I would love to get another one, if medmen wasn’t so far from my location, and I am not going to drive that far for a cartridge xD open south locations please Creativity/talkative: not create nor talkative, this one hit hard and put me out very quickly. Hunger: Gave me the munchies as fast as it put me to sleep, but they hit so hard, that I had to eat something as the hunger was too bothersome to sleep . . . . . . #smokeweedeveryday #instareviews #highlife #high #dank #smoke #maryjane #ganja #life #marijuana #sativa #weedporn #hightimes #cannabis #kush #suspense #stoner #dabs #cbd #cannabiscommunity #indica #cannabisculture . . . . . #thc #kush #marijuana #smokeweedeveryday #stoners #stoned #smoke #hybrid #cannabisculture #420
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