ConcentratesHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaPuerto RicoReviewsShatterStrains

Concentrate Review: Cookies n Chem Shatter by Island Extracts

Good morning #trippiefam! Let’s have a tiny look at Cookies n Chem #shatter by Island Extracts (Prich Biotech x @tetrahumacao).

Lineage/Genetics: Girl Scout Cookies x Starfighter x Stardawg

Original Breeder: Greenpoint Seeds

Grower: PRICH Biotech

Processor: Island Extracts

Dispensary: Tetra Dispensario (Humacao)

Cookies n Chem Shatter Review

cookies n chem shatter by island extracts concentrate review by trippietropical 2THC 78.58%|CBD .25%|CBG: 2.83%| Total: 90.58%

PROFILES: has a lemon cleaner with a bit of sweet baked goods auroma and taste

  • Consistency: 3/5
  • Effects 4/5
  • Appearance: 2/5
  • Flavor:5/5

Cookies n Chem is an indica-dominant hybrid, characterized by its strong color and a very potent effects. This strain can help a variety of medical conditions like fatigue, anxiety, sleeping disorders. Cookies n Chem gives a strong body and cerebral high. It is euphoric but also relaxing. Definitely this shatter in consistency and appearance flunked, because it would melt easily on me. Ive tried other shatters from Prich that in consistency are way better. Is a roulette every time I try this company’s products. Hope in the future the do a lot of growing! .
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